June i7th. The Wind S. calm, cloudy and dark weather all the morning and raining very hard about ii: but it was warm and the Sun shined in the Evening: LLanerch y mêdd Fair to day proved a very poor one, not one Bullock being bought there as I was informed. |
i8th. The Wind S.W. calm, cloudy and dark all this day, but pretty warm and made severall small showers in the Evening: Paid Hugh Jones Ld. Bulkeley's Agent 5s. ffee farm Rent out of Tyddyn y Rhôs to last Michaelmas, gave 6d. to a woman that brought me a present of Salmon from LLysdulas, pd. also 2s. 6d. for 5 quarts of March Wheat which I then sowed: and pd. is. id. for a Dozen wooden fetters. |
i9th. The Wind S.W. and raining excessive hard about 7 in ye morning and afterwards blowing very high &stormy all day; & especially in the Evening, My people this week employed,some of them in ye high way carting stones to repair it, & others plowing the PinfoldatCoydan |
20th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh and for the most part Sun shiny- yet not warm, insomuch as every Vegetable in the fields & Gardens are abundantly more backwards that even they were the last dismal Summer. |
2ist. The Wind S. S. W. blowing high and scorching & Sun shiny all day; Nothing of a congenial warmth has been felt this year. |
22d. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh, Sun shiny & something scorch- ing this day also, but the fine dews in these mornings have been very comfortable. |
23d. The Wind E. & by S. very calm, Sun shîny &exceeding warm all this day: My People were this day& yesterday Shelling of Oats at the Mill to make Oatmeal & Grots· |
24th. The Wind varying all this day from E. & by S. in the morning to N. E. before night, was SunShiny & fair till i0, but blowing very fresh, cloudy and cold about noon, but sultry in the Evening attended with distant Thunder & some little raîn: Delivered to - Edward Wm. Sion Owen 6 Guineas to buy me Coal in Flintshire: made excessive heavy rains from 7 this Evening which continued all or most part of the night. |
25th. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh & raining hard in the morning;ye Evening was dry, but very windy and cold . BangorFair to day proved very good . some Cattle having sold there for i0L. a piece. |