February 2ist. The Wind E. blowing very fresh or rather high and very cold, dry and scorching all day and generally Sun shiny and a thin frost on the water · |
22d. The Wind E. and little of it, cloudy and dark weather cold & raw all the day and haveing made very heavy rain this morning about 6 & some afterwards about i in the Evening. |
23d. The Wind E. blowing pretty fresh & generally cloudy, but dry all this day and very cold· |
24th. The Wind E. and blowing very high and stormy all this day & very cold: My people all this week were plowing for Oats· |
25th. The Wind E. blowing high ; a great deal of Snow fell this night, but most of it was melted by morning by great showers of Sleet that fell before day. |
26th. The Wind S. E. & by S. blowing pretty fresh, cold & raw weather but dry all this day but made some rain in the night: |
27th. 7● [this is written vertically in the margin below '27th.' sw] The Wind S. blowing fresh and raining very hard this morning about 7, cleared up afterwards and was Sun Shiny , fair and dry all the rest of the day: paid Mr. Lewis Evans the Post Master of LLanerchymedd 4s. 6d. for postage of Letters, on the account of my unfortunate Daughter who is yet at Penzance, being detained there for want of means of returning money to pay for her in that place, but I have sent to Mr. Mossom the 25th. Inst. 8iL. i2s. who is to go to Chester to pay a Bill drawn upon me for that Sum. [there is a cup-shaped line over the 'm'. sw] |
28th. The Wind S. & by E. blowing moderate, Sun Shiny, fair & dry all this day; Paid 4s. 7d. for a hind quarter of Veal & a fore quarter of mutton. |
March ist. The Wind S. blowing moderate & generally Sun shiny,but dry all this day: pd. Wm. Prichard the weaver 8s. 6d. for weaving Linen cloath. |
2d. The Wind S.W. & blowing moderate, cloudy & dark & raining hard frequently morning & Evening. |
3d. The Wind W. & very moderate, cloudy dark weather with frequent showers of small rain this day also. |