Septr. 16th. Went to the Christening of Ann Warmingham's Son at Glan Alaw, where in a manner all the Family of the Quintos, were, & tho I was her Guardian & had behaved so civil & Genteel towards her, yet was not asked to be Godfather to her Child, John Owen Presaddved and one John Fowles an Irish–man that had marryed Ann Owen Presaddved were God – fathers, And Mrs. Roberts of Caera & Ann Owen were God – Mothers, this Fowles hath no Estate, but a small place in the board of Ordinance or Artillery in Dublin of 70L per Annum. Meotwithstanding which his Wife Ann Owen is as proud, assuming and haughty as ever, however being Ann Warmingham had been my Ward, I resolved to behave Genteel, & when I could not [? sw]nd there a present, being I was not at home, I made her a present of a Guinea, & gave <between> the Nurse & Midwife 5s. the Lord Bulkeley comeing to Presaddved the Company broke up at 7, & I was at home soon after 8. I could not but wonder at the [Me sw]an shifts poor Mortalls to make, to make themselves great in this world, Mr. Meyrick of Bodorgan( who is certainly a Gentleman of good sense and true and honest both in his Principles, & dealings )had been for severall years a courting & Coaxing the Tories of this Countrey, in order( I suppose) to make a strong Interest when an Election comes, in order to this he had for this 3 or 4 last years been a Constant Visitor at Presaddved, Caere & Penrhose as he has lately made the same advances at Barn Hill & else-where, & in a Manner neglected his old friends, and tho this Gentleman had showen all this obsequiousness, yet I am satisfied the Gentlemen abovementioned hate & despise him, I was con=firmed in these reasons to day, when M[r sw] John Owen publickly before all the company declared that 600L of Doctor Lewis's Charity Money had been lost, & could not be discovered(tho there was a suit in Chancery set on foot by Maurice Lewis & him-self and others) what had come of it, & that Mr. Meyrick was