March 14th. The Wind S. blowing fresh and raining very hard in the morning from 6 till near 9; and all the rest of the day was dark and smoaky: Sold Eight steers to Samuel and Payne of Wrexham partners for fifty three pound without deductions, whereof I received thirteen pounds, and am to have the forty pounds upon the delivery of the Cattle at Porthaeth- – ŵy the 23d of April next : gave them 1s. to pay for the ferry. |
15th. The Wind S. blowing fresh, cloudy dark weather & cold, yet made no rain till night, when it rained long and very heavy. |
16th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh & raining hard in the morning till 8. the rest of the day was generally dry, but cloudy, dark and very windy: pd. 8d. for an ounce of Onion Seeds, & gave 6d. Charity. |
17th. The Wind S. W. blowing high, cloudy and dark weather with – some driveing rain in the Evening: My people most part of this week were scattering the dung of Cattle upon the hay & pasture – fields; and planting Potatoes in some beds & digging the other beds: Pd. Abraham Jones's bill being 18s. 10d.2/1. |
i8th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh with some sun shine this day, but generally cloudy & dark attended with frequent showers of rain & some hail in the morning; the Evening was fair & drying well: pd. 7s. for half Pegget of Vetches: & pd. Hugh Owen 15s. of– his winter's wages. |
19th 7 ❍ [this is written vertically in the margin below '19th' sw] The Wind W. blowing fresh, Sun shiny, fair and drying well all day; the wind comeing in the Evening to S.W. it grew cloudy and dark, but made no rain: my people are all of them this day cutting & carrying the hay & 2 threshing of it. |
20th. The Wind S. W. blowing fresh, cloudy and dark all day_ but especially in the Evening a little before night it blew a storm which was allayed (blessed be God) before day without any rain Paid 4s. 9d. for catching 8 dozen & 3 moles, & gave Ann uch Wm. Puw ab [Sr. sw] Wm. 3d. that brought me a present of Salt Whiteing from Richd. Wms. of Wylfa . |
2ist. The Wind W. blowing very fresh, generally Sun shiny &fair and – drying well all day: |
22d. The Wind S. W. blowing very gently, fair and warm without any rain till 3 in the Evening when it brought down some small warm rain. |