March 24th. had Marryed John Bulkeley's Sister:These were the bearers, 18 in Number, who haveing had Scarfs, hatbands & gloves, & dimensions taken of each's finger to fit them with Rings at a proper time & being all served with Cakes & Wine, the Corps was brought out to the green Court before the front, where it was fastened on ye Carriage of the Coach drawn by 6 Horses which were covered with black Cloath, with Escutcheons fastened on the Cloath[s sw] on both sides of ye Horses– as also on the Velvet Pall that covered the Coffin; The Coffin was very large as containing I presume the Leaden Coffin where the Corps was Laid in; it was covered with black Velvet, haveing on it severall Gilt plates in the following order; Over the face was a Carved gilt plate representing Time haveing in his right hand a branch of Palm, and a Trumpet in his left, over ye breast was a Coronet, below that was a large Plate representing an Erected Monument, with Pillars, Bases, Frieze & cornish, and an Ovall smooth place in the Middle of it with these words engraved in it. The Rt. Honble. Richard Ld. Viscount Bulkeley dyed March 15th. 1738. below that at the lower part of the Coffin was another plate representing a Flower-Pot.with Flowers: and in the – intermediate spaces & about the Coffin were small Gilt plates representing Angells. When the Coffin was made fast on the Carriage, the Mourners & Bearers mounted; The present Ld. as chief Mourner rode next the Corps, then his 2 Unkles after him side by Side, & John Bulkeley singly after them, then the bearers followed by 2 & 2. The Bearers Servants had hatbands & Gloves, as had abundance of other people. in this order they marched silently till they came to the Church yard without any prefatory Prayer at setting out, nor singing Pslams on the way; The Corps being taken down, the Corps was carryed from thence to Church on the Arms of 8 persons, the bearers tak in 2 Rows takeing hold of the Tassells of the Pall, & the Mourners following after till it was placed on the Bier; then the service being performed he was put in the Tomb in this Manner: a very wide, deep pit being opened at the West End of the Tomb discovered a hole of about 32 inches square, the upper part of which hole might (I believe) be levell to ye surface of the Church floor, and haveing placed planks accross