March 10th. The Wind W. & by S. blowing fresh & very cold all day; Sent a Holy-head Girl of 16′ years of age to Gaol for Burglary & Felony, after takeing her own examination wherein she confess'd the fact, and also the Examination of another Wittness on oath : My poor Mother hath been — terribly afflicted these severall days with a great cold, and instead of mending seems to increase upon her, which doth greatly afflict me, ❚zzzz❚zzzz❚zzzz❚zzzz❚zzzz |
11th. The Wind N.W. dark & cloudy in the Morning, and made some rain before day, all the rest of the day was Sun-shiny and fair and dry, gave Abraham Jones 6d. for shooting the Hare that did mischief in the Orchard. |
12th. The Wind N. blowing very cold, & hailed very hard before day, about 7 it made a great shower of Snow, cleared up afterwards and was fair the rest of the day; My poor Mother continues still very bad with her cold . |
13th. The Wind W. calm & moderately warm, but dark& cloudy, To day I begin to harrow; |
14th. The Wind W.& by S. blowing high & very cold in the morning; the Wind much allayed in the Evening, & some drops of rain. |
15th. The Wind W. a brisk gale, very cold, dark & cloudy, about ii. it made a great shower of cold sleet; the Evening was fair & warm. |
16th. ●4 [this is written in the margin below '16th.' sw] The Wind W& by N. blowing cold, dark and cloudy all day; an extraordinary great congregation to day at LLanfechell Church, occasioned by the great resort of people of serverall – parishes in their way to LLanbadrick wakes. LLanfechell people & their party parishes were met by such a disparity of number by LLanbadrick people & their party parishes that they yielded with little or no resistance; a sign that this parish is reduced both in Number & power. |
17th. The Wind W. dark & cloudy, but dry all day, and moderately warm my people at the same work of plowing, and others harrowing of Oats, as they were employed in the last week. |