March 30th. The Wind N. and little of it, dark & cloudy weather and very cold all this day & yet made no rain. |
3ist. ❍1 [this is written vertically in the margin below '3ist.' sw] The N. E & by N. very calm, cloudy and overcast and very cold raw weather all this day, yet made no rain, tho it often threatened both morning and Evening. |
April ist. The Wind E. blowing fresh and very cold, cloudy and dark weather all the morning till near ii. and the Evening Sun Shiny fair & dry: Pd. Richard Sion Dafydd is. [1/- sw] for drying 2 peggets & half of Malt this day on my field Kiln. |
2d. The Wind E. calm, sun shiny and dry and very cold all this day; |
3d. The Wind N. E. blowing generally very fresh and very cold all this day and for the most part cloudy and dark yet made no rain· |
4th. The Wind S. and little of it. yet very cold, cloudy and dark all this day but continued dry not withstanding: Paid Rhys Bentir 4s.6d.for a very small side of Veal, and a carcase of Lamb (except the head· |
5th. The Wind W. & by S. and blowing moderate and blowing moderate & generally cloudy & dark - with some little rain about ii but the rest of the day was dry: My peoplehave – ing finished harrowing the Oats the 2d Inst. havingbeen ever since plowing for and harrowing Barley. |
Easter Day 6th. The Wind S.W. and blowing moderate, cloudy & dark & raining generally from ii in the morning till night. gave to a Collectionforthepoor of this parish 4s. |
7th. The Wind S. blowing fresh , dark cloudy weather all this day & made some little rain but was soon over: Paid Owen Hughes the Collector of theLand and light tax in LLanfechell Division 4L. 9s. 0. whereof my Own tax is 2L. 9s. 7d. and the Parson's Land and light tax (which I also paid) is iL. i9s. 5d. |
8th. The Wind S.W. blowing but little and generally cloudy close weather & most part of the day was dry .pd David Onisipherus 6s. 6d. for 2 empty Hogsheads· |
9th. The Wind S. blowing moderate and generally dark cloudy weather & dry all this day also: My long & pain full distemper which yields to Nothing I take for it, put me to a great fright this day , being for some time deprived of the use of my limbs on the left side as if I had a fit of the Palsey, but blessed be the Mercifull God that defect did not last long but I recovered ye use of my limbs· |
i0th. The Wind S. blowing fresh & generally cloudy & dark, but dry all this day likewise . Paid Robert Bryan 9s. for Nine days working in blasting stones that lay in the way of the plow. |